We are happy to announce that the Robiopsy project was presented during the 17th SIHTA Società Italiana Health Technology Assessment national congress, which took place from 5 to 7 November in Rome, Italy.
The Italian Society of Health Technology Assessment (SIHTA), founded in 2007 as a multidisciplinary scientific society, shares the mission and objectives of the Scientific Society Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi) and is inspired by the principles of the Italian Network of Health Technology Assessment.
Robiopsy was presented in the scope of the session dedicated to “HTA along technology life cycle” with a contribution entitled “Early HTA as a tool to support decision makers in the development of a technology with innovative potential: a case of robotic surgery”.
This scientific work arises from the fruitful collaboration, within Robiopsy, between the University of Verona, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Needleye and Day One.
Learn more: https://www.sihta.it/site